A definition of wellbeing?

Paul Good Paul Good

What is Wellbeing? A definition.

The definition of wellbeing is no simple answer but is fundamental to your overall health, built on 4 pillars that allow us to overcome challenges, difficulties and achieve our goals.

The Oxford Dictionary says wellbeing is the: “state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.”

However, a simple definition does not tell you what wellbeing is, while health and happiness do play a vital role in wellbeing, it is also the personal sense of purpose in the world around them and the control they have over your life as a whole.

Meaning that both internal and external factors play a major part in our wellbeing. These factors can be broken down into 4 pillars, which can affect our wellbeing in different areas and environments.

Mental Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing is about how we mentally stimulate ourselves, breaking away from technology such as social media and instead, socialising with friends, learning new skills and becoming more active.

Poor mental wellbeing will make you less motivated to do anything that will stimulate you mentally, resulting in a feeling of isolation, loneliness and depression.

If you are struggling with your mental wellbeing check out the mind link here.

Financial Wellbeing

Financial Wellbeing is about money, and how secure we are with our finances. This can range from our wage, debt, rent and bills. Financial wellbeing can be hard to achieve, especially as a young adult.

With nearly 9 million in serious debt in the UK and 11.5 million with less than £100 in savings. (Source: fincap.org.uk ) Financial Wellbeing can be a struggle for most, creating a lack of sleep, stress and anxiety.

However, there are some services that help support you with financial help. Seeking help can greatly improve your wellbeing and help find you the support you need.

For information about financial support check out Citizens Advice link here.

Physical Wellbeing

Physical wellbeing is not just about exercise and going to the gym; while being active does play an important part. It is also how we sleep, live and how we feel physically in our own body.

Keeping daily routines can help support our physical wellbeing, setting sleeping patterns at suitable hours, keeping regularly active throughout the day.

These all play a key part in physical wellbeing.

Without these, we may experience stress, lack of sleep and bad eating habits due to motivation.

If you want to find out more ways of becoming active or help with your physical wellbeing click here.

Nutritional Wellbeing

A balanced diet will help our nutritional wellbeing, making sure we have enough carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water in our diet will help our overall wellbeing. A balanced diet can not only help our mood but provides energy to motivate us in the other 3 pillars of wellbeing.

You can find out more about a nutritional diet here

A definition of wellbeing.

Wellbeing is made up of 4 key pillars, each one can affect the other, and overall affecting our mental health. Working on each pillar will help you sustain better wellbeing and overall better mental health. If you want to find out more about mental health and what you can do to better your wellbeing click here or if you want to learn a new skill, try our free online courses.

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