Inspiration: Love it, Live it?

To be inspired is an exciting feeling. How do you find inspiration though? And once you’ve found it, what do you do with it?

Inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do

or feel something, especially to do something creative.

To be inspired is a thrilling feeling – it’s a burst of energy toward an idea or situation that mentally excites you to do or feel something.

But how do you find it?  Where do you look for it?  And what do you do when you finally get it?  Really, what’s inspiration all about?

Inspiring People

There are people that we come across in our daily lives that inspire us in ways we never thought possible.   These are the types of people to seek out, hang onto, learn and grow from!   They help bring out our potential, motivate us, and support us to move past our fears.  They are priceless connections.

How do you find these people though?  It can be easy to go days or weeks without finding much inspiration.  Here’s a tip though:  First, you must be open to being inspired; you must be open to identifying these sparks of light!  Sitting in our comfort zone is likely not the place we are going to find these people.  People that inspire us are most often found when we stretch ourselves into new areas.  So, if you are feeling a little uninspired right now, you may want to ask yourself if you have ventured outside your comfort zone in a while.

Inspiring Situations

It’s not just people that can inspire us.  Sometimes splashes of inspiration can happen when we observe or participate in particular situations.  Whether it’s tied to something new to us or something that we are seeing in a new light, situations can create great moments of inspiration.

Spreading our wings a bit to new experiences is a great way to expose ourselves to the potential of inspiring moments.  However, as noted above, it doesn’t always take something new.  Sometimes something causes us to view a situation we may have seen many, many times in a new light.  And from that too, can come inspiration.

Being Inspired

Everyone has a choice… and that includes what we do once we are inspired.  We can choose to do nothing.  Or we can dive in and let the inspiration take us away. Most often these are great moments that facilitate personal growth, new successes, and perhaps even new personal or professional discoveries.  In those moments, we have to ask ourselves:  Do we want that?   Do we want that right now?  Are we ready for it?  How do we get ready for it?

One last thing to note about inspiration is that quite often inspiration gets our creative juices flowing.  This creativity can go just about any place.  For example, you could be the trendsetter of the next fad at school.  Or, the creator of a new process at work.   Alternatively, perhaps you are the one that facilitates the direction of a course discussion.  Innovation goes hand in hand with inspiration.   Are you going to be innovator of something new this week, this month, this year?

Being inspired can be an incredibly exciting feeling!   Personally, I encourage people to explore their inspirations and see what potential they hold and if now is the time to go for it.  It could be life-changing!  Are you ready for a small or big enhancement to your life?

Have you been inspired?

What has generated your inspiration in life?  Did you decide to act on it or did you choose to put a pause or hold on it?  If so, what caused you to put it on hold?

32 thoughts on “Inspiration: Love it, Live it?

  1. Wow that’s something which is a part of my daily life! My blog is all about digital art inspiration.
    I get inspired by looking at other’s works and inspire others too by featuring digital artists from all over the world 🙂

  2. I often find inspiration through books and even some blog posts that I read. This was an insightful read. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are welcome Kimberley – I’m glad to hear that you find inspiration quite regulary! Books and blogs are a great source of inspiration for me too!

  3. My inspirations comes from my experiences and wanted to help others love themselves so that they don’t go through the same things! Inspiring other people is what inspires me , I guess. Funny how that works! This was a cute post!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it Jaymee. Love that you enjoy inspiring others – we need all the people like this we can get – it’s a wonderful thing to be inspired!

  4. Great tips! I am a firm believer in the benefits of moving outside our comfort zone. Not only does it lead to inspiration (that’s almost always where I find mine) but it also boosts our confidence and encourages us to grow and evolve.

  5. I feel inspired by other bloggers (like you!) very often. I’m also constantly inspired by my kids, wanting to always act in ways that will teach them good lessons that can carry into adulthood. Great post!

  6. I love the reminders in this article to stay positive and productive. I will focus on inspiration today.

  7. I’m always inspired by those who use their ingenuity to create opportunities for themselves. I love a good underdog story. I use those stories as fuel to build my business and blog. If it’s possible for them, it’s possible for me. I just have to do the work. Great post!

  8. Everyone needs inspired. Sometimes we need to motivate ourself. I loved your thoughts in this post. Keep writing such inspirational content.

  9. You make such a great point that we have to be open to inspiration in order to receive it and what do we do with it if we do receive it? I think most people want inspiration to magically fall on them like the rain, without doing anything to obtain it and without doing anything about it after the fact. Thank you for sharing your insight. It has inspired me to look at inspiration a little differently. ????

    1. I’m glad I could be a source of inspiration for you A Capone Connection. Thank you for sharing your comments and insights!

  10. Great post, Lisa! My office is covered with inspirational quotes and if I’m feeling really demotivated, I look up inspirational stories of people online. Doing this always helps me gain perspective and work harder on my dreams.

  11. Inspiration is so important. It really goes both ways where you gain some and give some off. I always love learning from inspiring people – especially when they set the example of who I want to be!

    Nancy ♥

      1. I enjoy reading your article. Thank you for sharing! Normally, I get inspired from reading books or blog posts, watching inspirational video and travelling ????

  12. Very nice post about something special to think about!
    Inspiration is something untouchable… like magic. You can feel it, but never see it!

  13. Ah, inspiration. Some can say it’s the bread and butter for lots of people. For me, designing and customizing stuff is what’s inspiring me right now. And yes, I act on this kind of inspiration a lot. I DIY my own cups, and it’s so fun! This was a great article.

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